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Selected talks & podcasts online

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How freedom ideologies have fuelled tech-assisted abuse and what we can do about it

Keynote at PIER23: Tackling online harms - a whole system response, May 2023


The impact of tech-assisted child sexual abuse

Keynote at PIER23: Tackling online harms - a whole system response, May 2023


In conversation with Chris Tuck and Beverley Ann on the Breaking the Cycle to Step Forward podcast about sibling sexual abuse and relationships & sex education


Whose Freedom? Ideologies of freedom and how they work to fuel abuse

Keynote at The Economics of Child Abuse & Neglect conference, Bristol, July 2022


The problems and paradoxes of mainstream online porn - and what parents can do

In conversation with Geraldine Befell & Vicki Shotbolt on Parent Zone's Tech Shock podcast; related blog here


Pornography, sex and subterfuge

In conversation with Mark Grixti on his Awe in Trauma podcast


Reducing the odds of gambling harm through PSHE

In conversation with the PSHE Association


Find what you'd die for and live for it

In conversation with Clover Hogan on her Force of Nature podcast; episode 5 

Selected research & papers

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Hanson, E. (2021). Pornography and human futures. Issue #1 of Fully Human, an initiative of the PSHE Association (ed, Jonathan Baggaley).


Salter, M. & Hanson, E. (2021). 'I need you all to understand how pervasive this issue is': User efforts to regulate child sexual offending on social media. In J Bailey, A Flynn & N Henry (eds.) Handbook on Technology-Facilitated Violence and Abuse: International Perspectives and Experiences. Emerald Publishing.


Hanson, E. (2020). Gambling education - Current practice and future directions: A theory and evidence scope. London: PSHE Association. Related podcast here


Hanson, E. (2020). What is the impact of pornography on young people? A research briefing for educators. London: PSHE Association.


Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., Hanson, E., Whittle, H., Alves-Costa, F., Pintos, A., Metcalf, T., & Beech, A. (2020). Technology assisted child sexual abuse: professionals’ perceptions of risk and impact on children and young people. Child Abuse & Neglect, 104651


Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., Hanson, E., Whittle, H., Alves-Costa, F., & Beech, A. (2020). Technology assisted child sexual abuse in the UK: Young people’s views on the impact of online sexual abuse. Children and Youth Services Review, 105451


Hanson, E. (2019). ‘Losing track of morality’: Understanding online forces and dynamics conducive to child sexual exploitation. In J Pearce (Ed) Child Sexual Exploitation: Why Theory Matters, 87-116. Policy Press.


Gerin, M.I., Hanson, E., Viding, E., & McCrory, E. (2019). A review of childhood maltreatment, latent vulnerability and the brain: Implications for clinical practice and prevention. Adoption and Fostering, 43, 310-328.


McGeeney, E., & Hanson, E. (2017). Digital Romance: The centrality and affordances of technology in young people’s relationships and love-lives. A Brook & CEOP research project.


Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., Hanson, E., Whittle, C., & Beech, A. (2017). 'Everyone deserves to be happy and safe': A mixed methods study exploring how online and offline child sexual abuse impact young people and how professionals respond. London: NSPCC.


Hanson, E. (2017). The impact of online sexual abuse on children and young people. In J Brown (Ed) Online risk to children: Impact, Protection and Prevention, 97-122. Wiley & NSPCC.


Hanson, E. (2017). Promising therapeutic approaches for children, young people and their families following online sexual abuse. In J. Brown (Ed) Online risk to children: Impact, Protection and Prevention, 123-142. Wiley & NSPCC.


Hanson, E. (2016). An evidence scope exploring the relationship between neglect and child sexual exploitation. Research in Practice, NSPCC & Action for Children.


Hanson, E. (2016). Understanding and preventing re-victimization. In L Smith (Ed) Clinical practice at the edge of care: Developments in working with at-risk children and their families, 197-227. Palgrave Macmillan.


Hanson, E., & Holmes, D. (2014) That Difficult Age: Developing a more effective response to risks in adolescence. Research in Practice.


Previous publications under the name Dr Elly Farmer:

Farmer, E., & Callan, S. (2012). Beyond Violence: Breaking cycles of domestic abuse. Centre for Social Justice. 


Farmer, E. (2011). The age of criminal responsibility: Developmental science and human rights perspectivesJournal of Children’s Services, 6, 86-95.  Winner of Emerald Literati Outstanding Paper Award 2012


McCrory, E., Walker-Rhymes, P., Farmer, E., et al. (2010). Change for Good: A treatment manual for adolescents displaying harmful sexual behaviour. Jessica Kingsley.


d’Ardenne, P., & Farmer, E. (2009). Using interpreters in trauma therapy. In N Grey (Ed) A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Traumatic Stress Reactions, 283-300. Routledge.


Farmer, E., & Andrews, B.A. (2009). Shameless yet angry: Shame and its relationship to anger in male young offenders and undergraduate controls. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 20, 48-65.


Whalley, M., Farmer, E., & Brewin, C. (2007). Pain flashbacks following the July 7th 2005 Bombings. Pain, 132, 332-336.

Various articles online and in the media for parents, young people (and others) on topics such as relationships and sex education, positive sexuality, pornography, help for parents with online safety, and harmful sexual behaviour.

Selected talks

Dissociation and Dissociative Identity Disorder: Implications for policing. With the Clinic for Dissociative Studies. Operation Soteria Bluestone, 2023


What is the impact of pornography on young people and why?  Department of Education webinar to teachers, 2022


Understanding & preventing sexual harassment in schools. Talk to various schools & conferences, 2021 onwards


We need to talk about porn, but how? Some key principles with which to begin. Keynote at PSHE Association annual conference, 2020


Whose freedom? Libertarianism and the creation of an online world conducive to child abuse. Talks at University of West of England (UWE) and at International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation (ISSTD) conference, 2020


The importance of the interweaving strands of autonomy, values and efficacy in pro-environment education.Talk at Global Action Plan anti-Black Friday event, 2019


Preventing and responding to child sexual abuse and exploitation: Some key insights and messages. Keynote at Place2Be annual conference, 2019


Pitching it right: What does ‘age appropriate’ actually mean? Keynote at PSHE Association annual conference,  2019


Digital Romance: Digital technology in young people’s lovelives: norms, positives & vulnerabilities. Talk at NSPCC annual conference, 2019


Dissociation related to child sexual abuse, and implications for investigations. Vulnerability, Justice & Communication conference, University of Portsmouth, 2019


Turning away: Why do societies and communities deny, distance and minimise child sexual abuse, and what can we do about it? Keynote at European Society for Trauma & Dissociation UK branch conference,  2019


How can education help to prevent harmful sexual behaviour and support positive relationships? Keynote at Farrer & Co. annual safeguarding conference,  2018


Victim self-blame following sexual abuse: Understanding, preventing and responding. BASPCAN (now AoCCP) Congress, 2018


Online sexual victimization: Impact, prevention & responses. Talk to facebook safeguarding team,  2018

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